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Tips for a Fresh Smelling Home

We all want that show home look, where everything is pristine and clean and where everything has its own perfect place. We also want our homes to smell as clean and fresh as they look. Unfortunately, though, life gets in the way and sometimes homes just don’t smell as good as we would want. There are many reasons for unpleasant smells around the home, and it is important to identify what these are and deal with them instead of trying to mask these odors with those we find more appealing.

What Causes Stinky Smells in the Home?

Unpleasant smells in the home are not uncommon and while it is often easy to pinpoint the culprit, sometimes the smell can be caused by a combination of things. For example, if you have been frying onions in oil, you are likely to notice the smell lingering in the home for a few hours. But often a smell is hard to identify, and you may need to do some detective work to get to the cause.

One of the most common causes of bad smells in the home is the trash can. Even if you have a separate place for disposing of food waste, you could find that your trash can smells bad if you or someone else has placed (for example) a meat wrapper in there. At times, the garbage bag inside the trash can has leaked and the smell is in the can itself. In this instance, it will need to be washed with soapy water and dried before it is used again.

If you have teenagers in the home, check their bedrooms to see if this is the source of the unpleasant smell. Teens are notorious for keeping half-eaten food hidden under piles of clothing or down the side of the bed. You might even find that the smell is emanating from a stinky pair of sports shoes. If so, the folk at ShoeFresh say that you should give said shoes a good clean and, once they are dry, spray them with some shoe odor spray. This should keep them smelling clean and fresh for up to three months.

Other places to look for the cause of the offending smell include the dishwasher, oven, refrigerator, and even the kitchen cabinets. You might also find that bad smells are coming from the drains, in which case you might need to call in the pros to check for leaks or blockages in the sewerage system.

How to Make Your Home Smell Fresh

Once you have eliminated the source of the bad smell, you can take steps to ensure your home smells lovely and clean. For starters, place a small dish with baking soda wherever you would like food odors to be absorbed, such as in the microwave, oven, refrigerator, or pantry. Nevertheless, remember to remove the dish when said appliances are in use.

You can use store-bought air fresheners or make your own to fill your home with appealing scents. Some people like to use reed diffusers or plug-in versions in which they can add drops of essential oils. Others like to make up their own DIY sprays with essential oils and herbs.

For a simple method to make your home smell good, bring a pot of water to a boil then add slices of lemon with some fresh mint leaves and a spoonful of ground cinnamon. You can then leave it simmering for hours to allow your home to be filled with an amazing scent.

To conclude, bad smells are common in the home. Before using a method to make it smell good, identify and eliminate the cause of the bad smell.

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