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Locating Carpenter Ant Nests and Treating Them

If you have a carpenter ant issue at home, you will need an experienced technician on your side to successfully eliminate these ants. Keep in mind that it may even take professional exterminators a few attempts before they can successfully get rid of a carpenter ant infestation. This is because of how these pests nest. Keep reading to know some ways to get rid of carpenter ants in your home:

Finding the Ant Nest

The nests of carpenter ants come as parent nests and satellite nests. The queen lives in the parent nest. Once this nest will start running out of resources, the satellite nest is settled and the colony expands. Carpenter ant nests can be indoors or outdoors, so it’s important to find them to get rid of the ants. Carpenter ants follow scented trails to travel back and forth between food and the nests. This trialing behavior will help you find the nests. Because these ants are often active at night, it is a good idea to put a few drops of honey or jelly on the backside of masking tape every night. Follow the ants back to their nest when they feed on the honey.

Where Carpenter Ants can be Found

Before a traitement contre fourmis can be applied it is important to locate the nests of carpenter ants. Ants that make their nests indoors are often in areas where there is wood damaged by moisture. These include wall voids, near sinks, behind dishwashers, near tubs, or other areas that have high levels of moisture. Usually, the ants access their nests through baseboards, door casing, electrical outlets, or wall cracks. If the ants make their nests outside and are just foraging your home, you can find colonies in tree stumps, drying or dead trees, or other wood that has plenty of moisture damage.

Destroying Carpenter Ant Nests

It is highly recommended to hire a dependable pest management professional to destroy carpenter ant nests. But, there are things you can try to if you want to treat your ant infestation at home. Drill 1/8” wide holes in the walls. Do this 3-6 inches on either side of the possible location of the nest. After drilling the holes, puff boric acid powder into them. This product will kill the ants right in their nest. You may need to repeat the treatment a few times. This method is only ideal when the suspected nest is indoors. Usually, outdoor carpenter ant nests can be drenched with insecticides like carbaryl, chlorpyrifos, or diazinon. But, this can be dangerous for both children and pets, so it is best to let professionals handle these chemicals for you.

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